Metravi IT-91 Non Contact Temperature Controller

Brand: Metravi

M.R.P.: Rs. 29972
Sale Price: Rs. 21692

List Price

Price (Without GST): Rs. 18383

Price (Including GST 18.00 %) : Rs. 21692

You Save: 28%
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Shipping Cost (Additional):Rs. 100
  • Precise Non-Contact Measurements
  • High Distance To Target Ratio Measures Smaller Surface Areas At Greater Distances
  • Widest Temperature Range

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Product details

Country of Origin:India
Product Dimension:16.2 x 6.3 x 2.8 Centimeters
Description:Precise Non-Contact MeasurementsHigh Distance To Target Ratio Measures Smaller Surface Areas At Greater DistancesWidest Temperature Range                

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